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The Top 5 Qualities Employers Want in a Security Guard

Professional security guards are an integral part of the company that hires them. They’re often put front-and-center to prove that a business is trustworthy and, hopefully, to make clients and customers feel safe.

Hiring someone off the street to play such a vital role can be risky for a company. Along with security guard background checks, here are the top five qualities employers look for in a security guard to ensure they’ve picked the best person to represent them:

1) Valid licenses and quality training

Having a valid guard card is a must for any security guard job. Some companies will hire you without one on the condition that you’re licensed before you stand post. Although guard card training has to be State-certified, a lot of businesses have preferred providers for guard card classes or they may offer to train you themselves once you’re hired. This is particularly true for entry-level positions.

In addition to basic guard card training, some security companies want you to get first aid and CPR training. It can reduce their risk of liability in the event of an emergency, plus it shows your commitment to public safety.

An employer may also want to see other training and certifications depending on the job requirements.

2) Good communication skills

Your primary duties as a professional security guard are to observe and report. You need to be able to put what you experience on post into words, both verbally and in writing. You may also need to be able to interact with the company’s employees or clients, other guards, and law enforcement. If something happens, your employer needs to know that you can communicate whatever information is necessary to keep their people and property safe.

3) Attention to detail

Even though security jobs can be boring at times, you have to keep a sharp mind. Whether it’s a vehicle parked in the wrong place or a pedestrian that’s walked by too many times, you need to be able to recognize the small details that can alert you to potential problems.

Employers also want to see your attention to detail extend to your appearance. Remember, you’re their representative. How you look, including the condition of your uniform, speaks to your level of professionalism.

4) Team orientation

Providing security is rarely a one-person job. You’re often just a part of a company’s overall plan. Since security is only as tight as the weakest link, you need to be able to play your part well. Employers need to know that you can work with other people and that you can follow instructions. If you aren’t able to get along with coworkers or you can’t follow established security protocols, you put yourself and the company at risk.

5) Physical fitness

You don’t need to be the next Mr. or Ms. Olympia, but physical fitness is an unspoken requirement for most security guard jobs. Whether it’s to walk patrol routes, interact with the public, or respond to security threats, employers need you to have a basic level of fitness. Overweight guards can negatively affect the public’s perception of a company and may compromise security.

Hiring a professional security guard can be a gamble for any employer. It’s hard to trust someone based on a resume and a brief interview. But, if you can meet these five criteria, you’ll set yourself up as an opportunity they should jump at rather than a risk they should avoid.
